Rise of the Three Gods

Chapter 2: Conversation



Chapter 2: Conversation

Vincent’s PoV

When Vince opened his eyes he couldn’t help but notice how uncomfortable he felt within his body. Glancing around in confusing, he looked down and noticed two small hands connected to what looks like a very small body.

Naturally, he instantly began to panic. Wanting to discuss his situation with his two brothers, he attempted to enter the space inside his mind in which they first met, yet found himself unable to enter the space.

Though he usually acted cold and indifferent, he truly loved his brothers and couldn’t help but tear up a bit. He quickly, however, managed to calm himself down and looked around some more, noticing he was placed inside a cot bed next to two other small bodies, which he realized were children.

As he looked at the two others, he began to feel a familiar connection between them, almost as if they were his brothers he came to love. As he continued to calm himself down, he began to rejoice inside his head, they were indeed his brothers. He was always uncomfortable with the thought of sharing his body with others, and only got somewhat used to it as time went by and his relationship with his brothers grew. Seeing as they each had a body now, this should no longer be an issue, thus allowing him to not only get more done but experience a freedom he never felt before.

This thought, however, quickly brought him back to his current situation, how could he, a baby, experience the freedom he desperately craved? And even more important,

“Why did we turn into babies?”

“What was the skin burning light we saw before we died?”

And perhaps the most important question,

“Where are we?”

Glancing at the child to his right, who he quickly noticed to be Eric, he attempted to wake him but quickly noticed he could barely move his body.

Not willing to give up, he turned to the left to see a baby that looked fatter than both him and Eric. As he stared at the child, the baby suddenly awakened, screaming and flailing his arms around wildly…

Vince almost failed to stop himself from laughing, and couldn’t help but comment mentally on how even if he didn’t have a strange connection with his brothers, he would’ve most definitely recognized the child as Cross for those actions alone.

Giving his actions, he could guess that just like Vince had, his brother had tried to enter the space inside their mind (or should it be minds now?) in which they could communicate. After a short time, Cross turned to him while laughing somewhat sheepishly, once again almost causing him to laugh. Figuring he might as well, he attempted to send a thought to his brother using his mind.

“Hey, Fat Bear! Can you hear me!?”

Cross showed a surprised expression, evidently getting the message before replying back.

“Holy shit, Vince, is that you!? Why are we babies now? I was just screaming out to you and Eric!”

“Still as foul-mouthed as ever, I see! All I heard you say was waaah, waaah!” Vince couldn’t help but deliver a smirking reply after hearing his words.

“Oh, so you can joke now huh? Not bad, you’re finally making some progress!”

“Haha, of course. Now that we have our own bodies, I don’t have to hold back anymore.”

“Haha, yeah! We three brothers will turn this world upside down for sure! Is that lazy pig still sleeping? What the hell is he doing?”

“He’s probably dreaming about some girl again, but that doesn’t matter right now. That light, the one before we got here, you saw that too, right?

“Damn right I did! I thought I was thrown at the fucking sun, but none of that matters now, we finally have our own bodies! Let me tell…” Before Cross could finish, he was interrupted by a nearby door opening and a beautiful woman with pale white skin, red hair down to her waist, and shining blue eyes entering the room.

“What the fuck, is that our mother! She’s a fucking babe! Damn, what the hell am I saying…” Cross said, his childlike eyes staring quite obviously at the woman’s large breasts.

“A babe! Damn if that’s our mother, I’m hungry and I want to be fed now!” Eric, who was pretending to be asleep, quickly ‘awoke’ and could be seen with his eyes bulging out of his head as he raised his arms towards the beautiful redheaded beauty.

“Oh? Little Eric, do you feel hungry? Come, let mommy feed you!” the woman’s voice sounded incredibly soothing, causing the three men, now children, to relax inside the cot, almost as if it had a calming effect on their bodies.

That little bastard was actually awake! At least Cross is still… he had not yet finished this thought when he noticed Cross began to cry.

“Oh? It seems little Cross got jealous, come here, I can feed two of you at once” after saying this, their mother smiled as she held both Eric and Cross before beginning to sit on their bed and promptly begin to feed the two.

Why do I feel as if I got the short end of the stick? Vince couldn’t help but internally sigh as he watched his two brothers feeding on his mother.

“Little Vince isn’t crying, you will grow up to be a strong man in the future, wait a bit and I’ll feed you after your brothers.”

“Cross, are you serious right now?” Vince began to get angry at his brother.

“What! I’m hungry!” as Cross said this, he did his best to keep a straight face.

“haha…” Eric just kept on laughing.

“You perverted freak! that’s our mother! If you dare to get any strange thoughts, I will personally break your teeth!” said Cross while trying to kick Eric.

“I don’t have any teeth yet” responded Eric.



After their mother finished feeding Eric and Cross, both children were instantly overcome by a deep feeling of exhaustion. Their mother couldn’t help but laugh when seeing their small yawns and put them back in their cot. No matter how much Vince tried to talk to them after that, they simply stayed unconscious. After placing down his two brothers, his mother then picked him up before beginning to speak.

“Little Vince, you have to grow up big and strong to take care of your brothers! Come, it’s your turn now!”

No matter how hard he tried to resist his urges, he was still just a baby and eventually succumbed to his hunger.

His mother was clearly amused as she watched his struggle and loudly laughed at his expression. Vince hated her amusement, he was a thirty-year-old man, and being forced into this state made him feel extremely uneasy.

After becoming full, he too was overcome by sleep and was put back in the cot.

His mother smiled before bending down and kissing each of her children on their forehead.

The three of them dreamt of their previous parents and wished them to a good life as they likely would never see them, though they most certainly wouldn’t forget them.

Editor’s Note: Two things of note this chapter. First, the author wanted people to know that the mother’s name is Elena but just made the name appear in thin air, thus I removed it and placed it here. Second, I asked the author and he said he has no plans for incest to be a part of his story, so if you’re against such things you have no need to worry.

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