Rise of the Three Gods

Chapter 9: Winged Wolf! Pride!



Chapter 9: Winged Wolf! Pride!

Vince’s Pov :

“I am truly confused about what to choose, should I go for a snake? or should I look for a panther?” thought vince.

Growing up with his innate talent for speed, he always benefitted best from panthers, but his swordstyle seemed to get better when consuming snakes! it added swiftness which provided more possibilities for maneuvering the sword!

He seemed deep in thought while sitting on the beach gazing into the sky. Hours passed yet Vince still could not make up his mind.

“if I can’t decide I’ll let fate do it for me! no matter which strange beast I encounter first I will slay it and use it for my ceremony!”

Just as he said so he noticed something falling from the sky at an amazing speed. His eyesight could not be compared to Eric’s but it is still leagues above others! The distance was quite far yet with the shape one could see that was no bird! it was a beast with wings! what kind? Vince could not make it out.

The beast was flying with a wierd style kind of drunken one would say! it was flying fast but not in a straight line, with its current speed and falling from the sky like that it seemed like the landing won’t be smooth.

As it flew past Vince he got up and followed it, And indeed the impact was rough, it smashed into the ground. Before the impact, the Beast turned around using its back to collide with earth, but that did not go as well as one would think!


it crashed and kept on rolling both of its wings caught up between defending and stabilizing! one could hear bones getting broken! it only stopped after smashing into the edge of the mountain. One can imagine its speed before! after the rumble died down, one could hear it grasping for breath!

just when Vince reached 1-kilometer mark away from it, his senses abruptly shot up! instinct screaming at him! RUN! RUN! RUN! Don’t look back! Just fucking run! these thoughts overwhelmed him!

Vince was the kind of guy who stayed true to himself and always fulfilled one’s word! he said he’ll slaughter the first strange beast he encounters but he always followed his instinct as it never failed him before! and there was no way in hell that was a strange beast! it had wings! that was a mythical beast for all that mattered to him! he still didn’t know anything besides the fact that it has wings! But he knew fighting it was suicidal so he turned around and ran like a comet falling from the sky . he never ran this fast before!

he ran for miles and had that spike in his instinct again screaming danger! He turned around and saw a heavily injured Wolf 3 meters in height with broken wings rushing at him and from the looks of it , he had no chance to run with his current speed that already exceeded what he could do before!

Vince knew he had to fight for his life now! so he dodged to the left! and the wolf brushed by! this was the ability he gained from training changing direction totally even at full speed . It may seem like just a simple twist of ankles! but it is crucial and extraordinarly hard! and it was now that it saved him.

Vince got a hold of his sword and looked towards the wolf straight into eyes! he smiled as he tightened his grip on the handle.

the Wolf turned around and saw the small kid that it considered an ant before looking at it straight with no fear . It was surprised as it fought much more stronger opponents before and most of them cowered in fear ! but this little baby in its eyes had surprised it twice by now! the first with that timely dodge and now it saw something in the eyes of Vince that it has not detected before. That was PRIDE!

What was the trait of the wolf, it was its pride! in their previous world, all kinds of animals performed in the circus only a wolf did not! But what was strange was the fact that this young baby ( Vince) in its eyes Had the same thing! Unwavering and pure Pride!

It gazed at him silently and it did something that astonished Vince, its wings shuddered and it lowered its head a bit as if recognizing his pride but only as a gesture of respect. Vince did the same! he bowed in respect of its strength. The wolf then kind of nodded as it approved the action as well. They were the same! They understood this fact!

The wolf decided it would be too much of a pity to let such talent died but it still had to fight him! At most, it will injure him and leave him be!

After a bit of gazing at each other! Vince felt the blood that was rushing at an extreme speed cool down! his senses hightened! he could grasp every small change in the movements in certain field and area, even if it was just a grass swaying! This helped him to read the movements of his opponent so as to take precaution! with his current strength, he could not do counter measures! even if he had them, he can only focus on defending his life but not forgetting the offense!

The two launched at each other, this time vince’s speed skyrocketed, it was amazing what lofe and death situation could bring out! full potential! Vince grasped his sword and tried to attack its injuries ! the wolf surprised by the increase in speed attacked with the goal of disarming him ! it was still leagues beyond Vince and it just wanted to see what more he could bring out! This was the first time it has taken an intrest in a human!

The fight continued for minutes with Vince’s speed getting faster and faster, strength also growing and when the wolf realized this it knew this human was breaking through! he needed crucial timing so it bit at him much faster this time!

Vince saw this abrupt increase, his eyes squinted and felt his body free! yes free! as if shackles that had been binding him all this time were dropped to the ground and the weight was no longer there. so he brought his sword vertically and placed his feet on them pushing with all he could to retreat, if not for the breakthrough he would not have succeeded. he survived!

The wolf nodded apprainsingly at him grabbed the sword and threw back to him ! Vince surprised ! bowed once again in apperciation! and said :

” I know you understand me! this has been the best fight of my life! you are the strongest opponent i have met! and i know i am no match for ! I respect our fight! I will stake everything on this last strike then you handle the rest as you wish!” Said vince with a smile all over his face , he had injuries on his arms and chest !

The wolf nodded! and prepared to defend with all it has in respect for its opponent!

Vince calmed himself down, closed his eyes, then opened them, they were serene calm like the ocean! he tightened his grip on the sword and advanced!

for the wolf he disappeared from his vision , this was Vince’s speed at its new peak , he was in the air! he dashed and jumped performing 3 strikes while changing direction three time mid air and stabbing once in the middle . the sword unleashed slashes! yes that was force unleashed from within the body! creating a triangle with a dot in its middle rushing at the wolf .

The wolf actually felt danger from this strike so it opened its mouth and unleashed a blast ! this was an innate ability, to actually be forced to use it, Vince can be proud enough.

The two strikes collided and an explosion of force happened , the wolf stood its place while vince retreated! Vince smiled and said:

” It was an honorable fight! you were stronger so is the law of the world! I lost fair and square, do as you wish!”

he then grabbed the sword with both hands and stabbed it into the ground! coughed out blood! but remained standing then he closed his eyes.

The wolf did not want to kill him and it advanced towards him yet he did not move! it found out he was unconscious yet remained standing. Its eyes brightened! hesitated for a bit and growled some kind of incantation! spit blood on vince’s face and howled into the sky!

it dug a bit into the ground and slashed its paw creating a little pond of blood! smilet at vince and left!

What no one knew! was that an unprecedented event took place there! Vince with no method whatsoever, broke through to the next realm! with his own will! never in history did this happen! one could say The trio were on the extreme of mortal , on the edge , their supperiority came from talent! Cross had Innate Supernatural strength while vince speed and Eric vision. And now one exceeded mortal limit with will alone! only the future could tell what shall happen!

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