Dragon Hermit

Dragon Hermit – Chapter 72, I’ll Marry My Daughter to His Disciple



Translator: lordjoker

Editor: Spectre


“Did he really leave?” Fang Le’er leaned against the seat in the car and spoke in surprise. Xia Yan had left without any hesitation, which was out of her expectations.


Fang Le’er had always looked down upon Xia Yan, and even though Fang Xiangdong had only asked her to hang out with Xia Yan in her free time, she still discerned that her father asked her to get in touch with Xia Yan for a specific reason.


[I’m only 19 years old, does he think that I can’t get a boyfriend? Even if I wanted one, I won’t take this guy. It’s obvious that we live in different worlds.]


“That’s awful, if my father gives him a call later and asks why he left, I’ll be done for.” Fang Le’er only wanted to teach Xia Yan a lesson and didn’t expect that he would leave so easily.


“Doesn’t he want to fawn over my dad? Why did he give up so easily?”


Fang Le’er couldn’t understand this, but she still felt like she had a wrong opinion of Xia Yan.


Xia Yan wouldn’t hang out on the street on this hot day so he just looked for an internet cafe and took a seat there. He started reading the thread related to the Xie family’s state several times and he realized that the information related to his father was quite credible despite the lack of concrete evidence.


[But, I’m a necromancer, not a judge, and I don’t need evidence. I only need the truth and I’ll look for it by myself.]


All of sudden, Xia Yan had a strange idea and he was really frightened by it.


[Did I start ignoring the law because I got great power?]


Errant martial artists could depend upon their prowess to violate laws, this saying was truly correct.


He got terrified only for a moment before his head quickly got overwhelmed by excitement because he would shortly break the law. He was young and hot-blooded and every teenager had once dreamed about this, and Xia Yan wasn’t an exception. He got very excited and his blood started racing.


If even a unique necromancer couldn’t break the law, then who could do so?


But, Xia Yan wasn’t an impulsive and rash youth, and after he calmed down, he sat down calmly in the internet cafe and started contemplating.


The Xie family was a colossal faction and it wouldn’t be easy to deal with it. He wanted to uncover the truth, not end up as a part of the hidden tragedies committed by the Xie family.


“Dong Quan didn’t see this thread by coincidence, if I haven’t guessed incorrectly, this thread is connected to the Liu family. They want to use me to deal with the Xie family… Or, they want to cooperate with me to deal with the Xie family jointly.”


After Xia Yan calmed down, he mulled this over clearly.


“I don’t know anything about the Xie family so I need the Liu family’s help, and the Liu family likewise needs me. We can cooperate!” Xia Yan quickly reflected. Even though he was a necromancer, it would still be difficult for him to deal with the Xie family alone and he needed other people’s support.


But, even if he cooperated with people, he must still seize the initiative and be the one in control.


After Xia Yan concocted a plan, he took his phone, which was now charged, and called Dong Quan. “Dong Quan, I need the address and info of all related personnel.”



“Uncle, Xia Yan is willing to deal with them.” After Dong Quan finished his call with Xia Yan, he gave a call to Liu Shan.


“That’s awesome!” Liu Shan smacked the table.



Fang Xiangdong hurried back home before dinner. The Mid-Autumn Festival’s celebration was on this day and he was still waiting for a guest. He cared a lot about this dinner!


Upon going through the district’s entrance, Fang Xiangdong greeted the guard as usual. “Lil Li, good job.”


“Mayor, that’s my duty.”


“Did our guest arrive?” Fang Xiangdong asked casually.


“Guest?” Lil Li was startled.


“Ah…” Fang Xiangdong slapped his forehead and broke into laughter. He said, “I forgot to tell you, I have invited a guest for dinner, did he arrive?”


“Is it… A scholarly youngster?” Lil Li asked.


“Did he already arrive?” Fang Xiangdong asked with a smile.


“He has arrived, but…” Lil Li hesitated.


“But what?” Fang Xiangdong asked in confusion.


“Miss Fang has said that she didn’t know him and that’s why I didn’t let him in, and he has just left,” Lil Li said nervously. He realized that he had made a grave mistake!


Fang Xiangdong went home with a gloomy look, while the culprit behind this, Fang Le’er, had already gone to hide in her room after the maidservant opened the door for her. She was very afraid of her father, and that was mainly because she wore attire befitting only delinquent girls outside the house.


“Honey, what’s wrong? Why do you look so upset?” Madam Zhao Man welcomed Fang Xiangdong and questioned him in surprise.


“Where is Le’er?” Fang Xiangdong surveyed the living room and asked.


“She’s in her room, what happened?” Zhao Man asked again.


“Call her over and ask her about it!” Fang Xiangdong sat down on the sofa and spoke angrily.


“Okay, I’ll go call her. But Honey, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, please don’t flare up at her,” Zhao Man advised him.


“She has even dared to drive out our guest. So, how can we still celebrate this day?” Fang Xiangdong smacked the teapoy table and shouted.


“What happened?” Zhao Man was surprised and she questioned him quickly.


“Xia Yan came over in the afternoon, yet Lil Li didn’t let him into the district because she claimed that she didn’t know him,” Fang Xiangdong said angrily.


“Le’er is so nice and obedient, how could she do this?” Zhao Man said in confusion.


“Call her over and it’s up to her to explain everything,” Fang Xiangdong said.


“Fine, but it isn’t anything serious. It’s only an old friend’s student. Isn’t he seeking you because you are now the mayor? He has never visited you in the past dozen years, did he?” Zhao Man sat down next to her husband and said carelessly.


“Mister Han has saved my life!” Fang Xiangdong shouted and said, “Why would they seek us? Is it to ask us to repay their old favor? It’s only me who has visited Mister Han in the past years, and he has never come over.”


“Yet, why did his student seek you after you become the mayor?” Zhao Man said.


“Xia Yan didn’t seek me and I ran into him by chance and realized later that he’s Mister Han’s disciple. If I didn’t meet him then, he would have never visited me. Do you think that a mayor’s position is amazing? They may not even take it seriously,” Fang Xiangdong wanted to start cursing, yet bore this impulse and explained everything to his wife.


“Did you really run into him by chance?” Zhao Man expressed her doubt about it. There were many scheming people and she had seen many people that met her or her husband by ‘chance’.


“Of course, this is what happened…” Fang Xiangdong recounted in a low voice the whole sequence of events to Zhao Man.


“Did you just say that Mister Liu drove him out and called him a swindler?” Upon listening to the whole story, Zhao Man furrowed her brow and questioned him again.


“What swindler? Xia Yan is really Mister Han’s disciple, I know One-Knife School’s craft,” Fang Xiangdong said.


“But, he’s still a charlatan, didn’t he say that he would drive out evil for Mister Liu? Do you believe this?” Zhao Man said with a sneer.


“This is…” Fang Xiangdong was left at a loss for words. He didn’t believe this, but he still couldn’t call Xia Yan a ‘charlatan’. He could only sigh and say, “No matter what, it’s still Le’er who is in the wrong. This won’t do, I must give him a call and ask him to come back.”


“Wait!” Zhao Man held his hand and looked him in the eyes. She asked, “Why do you care about a student so much, what are you hiding from me?”


“This…” Fang Xiangdong hesitated for a moment and said, “Mister Han saved me in the past, and while we were having a drink, I promised to marry my daughter to his disciple…”


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