
Omni-Magician – Chapter 150, Dragon Baby Must be Born



Translator: Satya

Translation Checker: Silavin

Proofreader: Bluerazbeary


A few brass-like metallic-looking cards appeared from Alfea’s space ring and were now in her hand. A single one of these cards was worth 100 Gold Coins! They are known as Gold Essence Bank Card, and they are the highest denomination that the Goblin Bank branch at Stan City can issue considering its remote location.


Alfea placed down the cards on the table along with a purse, filled with 40 gold coins. Debbie, excitedly placed down her money box and briskly swiped all 30 Gold Essence cards, along with the purse down the table and starts counting them.


Even Vivian, who does not understand the concept of money, had a flushed face and was eager. Amusingly, she didn’t even know why she was excited. Ye Chui, nothing thinking too much, asked Vivian, “Do you think the City Lord’s Manor has that much money? Isn’t this going to be a burden for the government?”


“You don’t have to worry about that! The reward money that the City Lord’s Manor released comes from selling all the Magic Cores, blood, hide and meat from the Magic Beasts that were killed in the fight during the Magic Beast Tide. Since these gold were made from all the items collected by the City Lord’s Guards, there is no burden on the City Lord’s Manor.” Alfea answered, “and not to mention, there are only a few people like Debbie, Teacher and Mr. Booth who managed to kill so many Magic Beasts. So, there are only a few that receive such high rewards. The others only got around ten to twenty gold coins. Some of these still have to be split amongst members of their groups.”


“So that’s how it is…” Ye Chui nods and coughed, “so… how much is Iron Swordsman receiving? Give his share to me and I’ll pass it on to him.”


“I will personally deliver the reward money to him.” Alfea flat out rejected. She will not let go of any chance to get close to Iron Swordsman.


“No… ah… alright then, at least tell me how much Iron Swordsman is rewarded?” Ye Chui said with sparkling eyes.


“What are you so excited for? Alone, the Teacher killed about 400 Magic Beasts, which makes up to 4000 Gold Coins. Mr. Booth and him, together, took care of 4000 Magic Beasts. However, Mr. Booth did not wish to accept the reward. Instead, he wishes to pass the reward to my Teacher. The reward would also not be gold and Mr. Booth, himself, requested that my Teacher be rewarded something besides gold.”


“What did he want?”


“Well, it wouldn’t matter even if I tell you .”Alfea said with impatience,“ Mr. Booth decided to send a Letter of Recommendation to the Emperor for his meritorious service so that he can study at the Central Magic Library with the highest clearance and unlimited access.”


Ye Chui’s eyes immediately brightened, the reward money 4000 Magic Beasts, though huge, can be earned any other way but getting unlimited access to the Central Magic Library was something that cannot be compared to gold. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity.


Matan Empire’s Central Magic Library has thousands of Books and Scriptures on Magic that an average person cannot even imagine ever having a look at. Only those nobles and aristocrats with both power and privilege have the opportunity to get in contact with these books. In comparison to those people, nobody in Stan city, Eric and Alfea included, never received such an opportunity. The Central Magic Library is a place that the self-proclaimed Father of Studies, Ye Chui would call a Paradise.


Seems like Booth truly cares for him.


“Alright!” Debbie uttered after god knows how many times, she has counted the 40 Bronze Bank Cards, when a thought hit her, “Alfea, what about Vivian’s reward? She had also killed about 300 or so Magic Beasts, right!?”


“That…” when Alfea was reminded of the matter her face darkened immediately, “Bishop Faria came by this evening. He said that Vivian is part of the church, so the reward money belongs to the church and took the money as if it was his. He proclaimed that this was her selfless contribution to the Seven Gods…”


“Does that stinking pig even care about face!?”Debbie started cursing straight away, not only did Faria run away the moment he learned about the situation with the Magic Beast Tide he also took away all the members and disciples of the church, and to top that off he has the audacity to take away the reward that should rightfully belong to Vivian?!”


Ye Chui and Alfea’s face turned ugly as well.


Vivian got embarrassed and said: “Bishop did tell me about the reward, I did donate my share to the Church. It is the duty of the believers to give up all their worldly wealth for the Seven Gods…. Please don’t blame Bishop for that…”


Hearing what she said the faces of Ye Chui, Alfea and Debbie changed colors and ended having a puzzled face mixed with pity. Although Vivian seems to have no attachment to money, it still does not mean Faria should have acted in such a manner. His actions only degraded the already bad image that Ye Chui had for the Church.”


Debbie pursed her lips and held Vivian gently: “If you need anything just tell me without feeling shy, we’re quite well-off right now after all.”


It has been a few days since Vivian has come here and Debbie has already regarded the priest as her sister. Though it is clear that Faria sent Vivian to Anthony’s Magic Cottage with evil intentions, Vivian is completely innocent and believes she was sent here to learn about the life of the commoners.


Ye Chui smiled and comforted: “That’s right Vivian, you fought by our side against the Beast Tide. So, don’t be polite, If there is anything you want, you just need to say the word. Debbie will support you. Don’t be shy. After all, you have done, this is what you deserve.”


Vivian’s face turned flush as she nods, “Thank You.”


Whatever excitement and happiness that Debbie and Ye Chui had for getting their reward were immediately dampened because of the issue with Vivian’s reward money. Alfea only came to Anthony’s Magic Cottage after business hours so that they could celebrate. But now, she too did not have the mood to do so. After she had a small conversation with Debbie and Vivian, Alfea left shortly after.”


Because they had to open shop early tomorrow Debbie and Vivian went to sleep straight away.”


Ye Chui started to clean the table and at the corner, he spotted a book on the table. Apparently, Vivian forgot her Bible, either because she was sad or because she was tired.”


From the day Vivian arrived at Anthony’s Magic Cottage, Ye Chui had tried to get his hands on the Bible to research on the Sacred Words and the power of faith but Vivian had never once left the Bible out of her sight. And yet, now, he finally got the chance to study it. He looked towards Vivian’s room to check that she was not going to come out. Believing that the coast was clear, he hurriedly cleaned the table and took the Bible to his lab on the second floor. He opened the book and looked at the pages made of parchment filled with words.


However, the excitement vanished quickly…


“WTF, the whole books keep repeating about how the Seven Gods protect the people, how to praise the Seven Gods and how Faith is power… and…”


Ye Chui soon discovered that the book was quite ordinary and there was nothing special or magical about it.”


[That’s not right. The believers display their Faith Power only with the help of the Holy Bible, and each of these Bibles is made by the church, so there should be something that makes it special…]


Ye Chui was very puzzled, what the book had in them was nothing special, the book was made with ordinary material. there were no secret passages that non-believers did not know. So, what exactly makes the Bible special?


Ye Chui kept studying all the way till midnight and still came up with nothing.


He was ready to give up when a sudden thought flashed in his mind; [Although this Holy Bible is made of parchment, the parchment used is similar to the ones used to make Magic Scrolls and is difficult to write on, making it a bad choice to make a Book out off… meaning there must be something that I am missing that helps the Bible hold its power…]

Thinking so, Ye Chui started to insert some of his Magic Power into the book to feel how it would react


And there it was… there was an engraving of a Magic Matrix on the Bible, the so-called Power of Faith turns out to be Magic, to begin with!


This was a huge discovery for Ye Chui.


There are four major professions in Aigen-Daz Continent namely the Magician, Swordsman, Priest, and the Knight.


Magicians use Magic Power, while Swordsmen use Sword Aura, yet the Priests and the Knights are more mysterious and their source of power is vague. The Priests use the Power of Faith while the Knights use the strength of Oath, which is what most people understand. Ye Chui discovered quite early on that Magic Power and Sword aura are very different from each other, but unexpectedly the Power of Faith actually requires the assistance of Magic Matrix to display its powers… this one fact changes his view about the ‘mysterious’ Bible; that is to say that the Bible is, in reality, an Enchanted Item.


[This Magic Matrix is very complex, and the engraving is done on a special material that the parchment is laminated with and it is designed to collect something… Faith?] Ye Chui was still unable to understand what the Magic Array was for. After pondering for a while, he planned to start constructing a similar Magic Array and see what its reaction would be when activated using the Magic Crystal. Once the preparations were done, he continued to recreate the Magic Array and study it in the meantime.


For the entire night, this was all he did.


By the time it was morning, he had completed copying the Magic Matric after inscribing several thousands of lines of Magic Symbols.


He stretched his body and was prepared to wash his face and freshen up and suddenly his nerves tightened.


Inside the space ring, the Dragon Egg that was silent till now started to move suddenly and slowly tiny cracks started to appear on the Eggshell.


[Is the Dragon Baby about to be born?]



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