Adventurers Who Don’t Believe in Humanity Will Save The World – Chapter 11, Priest/False pedophilia charge/Red-light district regular Sem part 3
Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin “You should go to the Labyrinth City and become an adventurer.”
Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin “You should go to the Labyrinth City and become an adventurer.”
Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin I put all of my strength into it. My long claws easily pierced the Lord’s skull.
Translator: Immortal Dreamer Editor: Silavin Looking for Proofreaders for this Novel “This shadow can move anywhere within Old Liu’s brain! This just isn’t scientific!” Doctor Wang felt a little excited as even he didn’t dare to believe the imagery from the MRI machine.
Translator: StarReader Editor: Silavin Looking for Proofreaders for this Novel Zhuo Fan understood her and quickly said, “Now that we no longer have Steward Sun breathing down our necks, what does young miss intend to do next?”
Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon “Nin-……Ninth-level……so-……sorcerer?” stammered Amon. He could not close his mouth.
Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r In the ruins, Elena and Sara kept searching for footprints and finally found footprints of a child. The footprint that they found was so light that it would have easily erased if the air blew over it. The reason why they were able to find that slight trace was because of Elena’s tenacity and skill. And it definitely was Akira’s footprint. So they continued their search in good…
Translator: Barnnn ~~Beilanea Magic University Central School Building, Two O’clock in the Afternoon, Twentieth Day of the Second Month~~ I had woken up immediately after that — exactly as the clock hit noon, as if it had been timed beforehand. As for when I should tell Lina about it, I had decided to hold it off for now after discussing with Pochi. I probably should talk about it when she is a bit…
Translator: TipToe Once Tsutomu had returned, he saw the Shell Club still brandishing around their pincers. Garm was warding them off on one side using his shield while Amy used her double swords to cut through their legs.