Pivot of the Sky

Pivot of the Sky – Chapter 96, A Confidential Letter

Translator, Editor and Proofread: theunfetteredsalmon   That evening, the group took a night’s rest on the land of Duc. Amon and Metatro discussed another purpose of their trip, which was to bring Lynk and his tribesmen here to establish a settlement. After all, the cave-dwellers lived high up in the mountains, where there was no suitable land for crop cultivation and hunting proves to be far more dangerous.

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Pivot of the Sky

Pivot of the Sky – Chapter 95, Sunset Is Where Home Is

Translator, Editor and Proofread: theunfetteredsalmon   Within the swamp were patches of soft soil that stuck out above puddles of water. However, it was not soft enough that people could not step on it. Lush vegetation would grow on these patches of land, making them seem like tiny islands. Because the water level had not fallen for a long time, the patches of land acted as the habitat of many creatures.

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