The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley” – Chapter 113, Ear Against the Wall



Translator: Barnnn

Editor: Anna

Proofreader: Xemul


I am Tarawo.

My oh-so-great Master is Tifa.


“Huff… huff… Tifa… Some recovery magic here? Please?”

“Don’t worry, you won’t die from that.”


Non-fatal it may be, but you do realize that my forehead is splitting open, don’t you?

(Anna: That sure sounds fatal.)

Now, I must also stress the point that this experience has taught me a valuable lesson in regard to humans. Particularly, how they are so very conscious of the size of their chests.

I shall make it a point to compliment the chests of every human being I meet from here on out.

Still, if only I had my original powers intact, things would never have turned out this badly. What a harsh world I now live in…

And at any rate, Tifa still has not agreed to slow down to match my pitiful pace of walking.

Just look at her! She’s totally ridiculing me with how she turned to show me her grin as she picked up her pace! How rude!

Anyways, wherever could we be headed to? Surely it wouldn’t hurt for Tifa to simply tell me the destination, but no, she just has to keep me in the dark. I swear, she’s the most troubling child I have ever seen.

It seems that we are walking toward the north of Beilanea… If I remember correctly, we are along the outer perimeter of the Grand Market?

It seems I was right – I’m seeing countless lantern lights at my side, coupled with the noises of activity of countless humans.

Quite an uplifting atmosphere for this normally lonely hour, indeed.

However, that is there – where we are now is nowhere nearly as noisy.

But its lower density of activity is precisely the reason I, as her Familiar, must protect Tifa to the best of my abilities. She shall thank me! And apologize for what she has done to me so far! …Heh heh heh… good! Very good! So very good!

And if then, how should I go from there?

Take up permanent residence on Tifa’s lap? Permit her to work full-time as my fur stroker?

Or perhaps I could go with both! Heh heh heh… the extent of my ambition dwarfs all who stand before me!


“Where do you think you’re going?”



How did I not notice when Tifa stopped walking?! How?! Has she already mastered such an advanced tier of self-concealment?!

Hmm? And what’s with this cheap signboard? Have they not heard that I would be here, and thus did not think to prepare accordingly?

No use crying over spilled milk, then. If only they knew of my fated arrival, they never would have presented such an impolite piece of work.

Oh? The paw print on this edge of the sign… now this is something to behold. Moreover, I have been forced by Tifa to learn the humans’ ‘written text’ over the past few months, so I might as well read what’s written here. ‘Pochisley Agency’… I think that’s what it is. Hmm? The ‘isley’ part of that name seems to stand out to me in some way…

Tifa opened the building’s old, creaky door, revealing what seems to be a shop counter.

A brown-haired woman was sitting in the seat on the other side. Hmm, I can tell that she has already come of age, despite her height suggesting otherwise. She’s only a slight bit taller compared to Tifa.

Neither a warrior nor a mage, from what I’m seeing.

Wait, no, my vague memory suggests that we have met before… when and where could that be?

Anyways, what business does my oh-so-great Master have in coming here?


“Hello, hello! Welcome to the Pochisley Agency! Oh… Tifa?”

“Hey, Itsuki. It’s been a while since I last saw you. You don’t have work at the Guild today? I didn’t know that you were working here as well.”


Aha, that’s it. I do remember there being an Itsuki working at the Adventurers’ Guild as a ‘waiting person’.

I must say that she is a skillful one, what with her knowing the right spots to rub my back at.


“My shift ended at noon, and there’s no one filling in here tonight, you see~~ So? What do you need?”

“Steel me that doggo, maybe? Ahaha!”





“Hey, that’s tempting… how much are you giving?”

“Hmm… how about 30 Gold?!”


“Deal, my ass! I will not accept that low evaluation of my monetary worth!”

“Hey, this place is nice, you know. You’ll get to eat all the Spicy Curry you want.”

“Oh-ho? That’s…. hmm, that actually doesn’t sound like a bad deal.”

“Pfft – Ahahahaha! You’re a funny little guy! I didn’t hear you talk last time, so that’s also a surprise… Yeah, you’ll have a great time here! You’d make a good competition for Pochi, too!”


Ngh – She considers me, a King Wolf Garm, to be on par with a resident of this shabby establishment?

I ought to be careful with how I proceed.


“That’s it!”


Tifa now has a… ‘different’ look in her eyes?


“By ‘that,’ you mean… Pochi?”

“This Pochi… is it a Siberian Husky Familiar?”

“Hweh-? How’d you tell- geh!”


Ngh – Tifa just grabbed that young woman’s shirt collar. How did this conversation take a turn for the violent so suddenly?!

Despite what I have been through, I have never seen Tifa act like this.


“What… what’s its Master’s name?!”

“Master… you mean Sir Asley?”


Oh, she let her go. And then… she smiled?! And what an intense smile that is! She’s turning Itsuki pale with fear! If THAT was directed at me…… I think I might wet my pants! If I had any!


“Ow… that hurt… I’m not into that kinda play, you know?”

“I-I’m not, either!”

“So… you know Sir Asley? Makes sense, I guess. He’s not all that famous with the general public, but just about anyone in the fighting crowd around here would know him… And from the look on your face, it’s safe to assume that you do know him, huh?”

“Where is he?”

“He’s at Royal Capital Regalia right now. Left a few days ago to take a Rank-up Evaluation. Ah, but he’ll be back by tomorrow, or at least that what Miss Lina said-“


She’s doing the grab again. What in the world is happening?! Why do I have to witness this?!


“You mean… Lina is living here as well?!”

“Ow ow ow… Oh.”


Itsuki uttered as if she saw someone behind us.

Turning around, I see the very one in question… the young lady called Lina.

Not only her, but also others I recognize – Bruce, Blazer, Natsu, and Haruhana. And also… a green-haired child. Who might that be?


“Hmm? Hey, you’re Tifa, right? The one who went to hunt the Assault Kobold with Haruhana?”

“We’re back, Itsuki. Looks like you’ve got yourself quite a passionate client today.”

“Stop it, Sir Blazer… Ahahaha… So this Tifa girl is looking for Sir Asley and… huh? Is something wrong, Miss Lina?”


Lina, standing in the very front of the group, seems to be… petrified.

Ngh – and apparently, my Master is, too? Whatever is going on here?

The rest of the people here are saying nothing as they watch over those two. Great.




The one to eventually break the silence was Tifa.


“Tifa… is that really you?”

“Huh, you two already know each other? Good, makes things go faster. C’mon, let’s go inside.”




By Bruce’s initiation, Itsuki proceeds to guide us inside.

It seems that we are going into a reception room of sorts, but-


“Sit here.”

“Hmph, how’s this?!”


I am being shut out.

But why?! What is the meaning of this?! And how am I so easily fooled?!

Damn you! Now that it has come to this, I shall resort to listening in with my ear pressed against the door!


“Heh, so you’re… Tarawo, was it? Looks like you know how to get stuff done around here.”


Bruce said, keeping his voice down.

Oh-ho, I can immediately tell that he also is curious about the talk between the two girls.


“Shh – you’ll blow our cover.”


Blazer whispered.

Now all faces, save for one, are stacked on top of each other as they try to listen in. It paints quite a sordid picture on these people’s sense of personal space.


“Natsu, Itsuki… and even Lala? It is improper for a young woman to act like this, you three.”


Oh, thank you for the information, Haruhana. The green-haired girl is called Lala – Noted. Her face is looking round as a ball as she keeps herself on the stack with the others.

And now, even after having said that warning of hers, Haruhana also is listening in. Oh, you cunning little lady.


“”It seems that you all are in for quite an interesting conversation.””

“What, and you’re in as well, Tzar?”

“”Of course We are. Listen well now – it seems that they are getting started.””


Ngh – now everyone here is leaning an ear each on the door to listen in!

Why?! WHY?! …I mean… heh heh heh… this actually doesn’t feel all that bad.


One thought on “The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley” – Chapter 113, Ear Against the Wall”

  1. Thanks for the chapter desu~

    Damn, I can’t believe I forgot Tifa was one of the first characters we met from the village alongside Lina.

    I thought she just happened to come across an abandoned Tarawo who was left behind years back by Asley or something.

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