The Steward Demonic Emperor

The Steward Demonic Emperor – Chapter 169, Calamitous Casualties



Translator: StarReader

Editor: Silavin


Zhuo Fan was long gone yet the people still stared dumbly in his direction.


And when they managed to gather their wits, all they heard were mournful cries all around. The ground was littered with corpses and thousands of wounded, the aftermath of Zhuo Fan and Huangpu Qingyun’s fierce clash.


The last sound wave, in particular, must’ve caused over a thousand to fall!


Hell Valley’s 5th elder weakly got to his feet, watching dazed, his missing arm bellowed to the sky, “Zhuo Fan!”


These two simple words were mixed with hatred and rage that any other survivor had after this bitter battle.


Yep, after this ’bout’ Zhuo Fan’s name would be heard clearer and further than ever, but never in a good light. He was one of the very few notorious figures known in Tianyu since its foundation.


Demons paled to what he had become now.


Towards the bodies strung about, to the endless suffering ramming their ears, people had only horror in their core. But at the same time, two words were deeply etched in their minds.


[Demon Archon!]


Chu Qingcheng’s group finally came to as well, only to look on with pity at the miserable state surrounding them and sent people to count in the dead. Xiao Ya was soon back with a tally, and a visage painted in sorrow.


“Edifice Lord, in the aftermath of the battle, 4862 are dead and 36019 people are wounded. This count is mainly the heavily wounded, while the light wounded are too many to count.”


“So many!”


Iris Overseer cried and said inside, [Is Zhuo Fan the harbinger of death? He killed so many in just one strike!]


Long Jiu’s group was startled as well.


They were aware of how insanely powerful the brat was, but not once they thought him capable of this. It was no different than the aftermath of a skirmish.


“And…” Xiao Ya faltered, but still said it, “Because of Hundred Pill Meeting, many delegates of important clans have come. The number of casualties is disastrous, with more than two thousand clans having lost their people, and ten thousand more in critical condition.”


Chu Qingcheng’s heart tightened and was agitated, “Xiao Ya, try to calm them down. Tell them Drifting Flowers Edifice will give them an answer for this disaster. That we will also offer some compensation for their losses!”


“Yes!” Xiao Ya left with a nod.


Xie Tianyang took a deep breath, “Damn, killing more than four thousand at once. This brat is racking up enemies to an all-time high.”


“Humph, how is it darling’s fault? With how many died in the aftermath, they should be taking up with Regent Estate for the damages!” Not once did Xiao Dandan see Zhuo in a bad light and wasn’t one to tolerate anyone who spoke ill of him as well.


Xie Tianyang had to admit Xiao Dandan’s words with a nod, but then he jeered, “Oh, miss Dandan speaks true. Although… Who has the nerve to complain to the Seven Noble Houses? Not to mention, Regent Estate is also a victim, with four dead and a cripple.”


“Humph, since they don’t dare to take it up with Regent Estate, they think darling is one to be pushed around?” Xiao Dandan stuck out her chin in pride.


“Yeah, with that freak’s power, even a Profound Heaven expert would give him a wide berth. However…” Raising an eyebrow, Xie Tianyang chuckled, “Didn’t you listen to Vicious Pill King? The kid’s time is almost up, and he’ll be unable to move then. Even a three-year-old could do him in.”


That startled them.


If not for his reminder, they’d have forgotten Zhuo Fan might be lying somewhere, weak and alone.


“Everyone, scour the place for demon Zhuo Fan. I want him alive! He will have Regent Estate to answer to!” Chu Qingcheng ordered. The only way to pull the wool over the other’s eyes was to treat him like an enemy.


Xiao Dandan bore her stare into Xie Tianyang with hatred, “Why didn’t you say so earlier?”


“Would it have mattered? Those with half a brain are already searching for him!” Xie Tianyang pointed around them with a smile, “Tell me, who is missing here?”


Long Jiu’s group was puzzled. Only Xiao Dandan clapped, “It’s the Dong siblings.”


Then, she took off in Zhuo Fan’s direction.


“Silly girl, why so anxious?” Peony Overseer shouted.


“How can I not be? That Dong lass has a thing for darling. I can’t let her get ahead of me!”


The other had to laugh at that. Xiao Dandan was one innocent and chipper young lady!


Peony Overseer’s face flushed. [You nitwit disciple, you’re enough of a disappointment as it is. I get that you’re all googly-eyed over him but can you at least not make a fool out of me too?]


On another note, Zhuo Fan was rushing to fly away while also keeping an eye out for a nice corner of the world to hide and lick his wounds. All while his sight was growing ever hazy.


Suddenly, his vision went dark and passed out. His body then crash-landed into a small valley.


With a bang, he touched the ground and got buried in a pile of rocks.


Moon took the sun’s place in the sky, then soon, the sun rose back to its rightful place…


For three days, Zhuo Fan laid there among the rocks, defenseless. This was a blessing in disguise, as the wild animals would’ve dispensed with his body by now if he was out in the open.




On the dawn of the fourth day, morning dew trickled from the rocks and on Zhuo Fan’s face, rousing him from slumber.


Zhuo Fan opened his eyes and felt his whole body aching so much he couldn’t even budge.


His original plan was to take the root and flee. He’d then divide and conquer his pursuers, Huangpu Qingyun’s group of four, as they got further apart from each other going after him.


Bursting Pill was saved as his last resort.


He had been trying to get away many times, but was foiled at every turn and even got surrounded. With no choice in the matter, he ended fighting the four of them together instead of making a break for it.


But the toll for this was hardly worth it. Sensing his body, he was sure he was stuck here, disabled, for a month before he could even lift a finger.


During this period, he’d be as helpless as a lamb, at the mercy of any strong guy that chanced upon him.


Putting his life in fate’s hands wasn’t the Demonic Emperor’s style. But no amount of lamenting would get him out of it. He was a piece of meat ready to have its life pounded out of him!


Suddenly, slow steps were heard coming and Zhuo Fan tensed. But he was too hurt to even sweep the area with his soul to check. He was in the dark about the person’s cultivation and panic was slowly setting in.


Suppose it was the enemy’s Profound Heaven expert. That would curb his short life even shorter.




Sounds of stones clashing resounded and Zhuo Fan knew the newcomer was digging through the pile.




Then, the final layer was removed and a piercing sun ray graced his face and making him unable to see his ‘rescuer’.


Then he heard a familiar voice, “Brother, I found him!”


“Dong Xiaowan?” Frowning, Zhuo Fan sighed. [If it’s the Dong guys, I’m saved, he-he.]


“Step aside Xiaowan, I’ll get him out!”


Rocks crumbled to pieces as a powerful hand reached into the pile and pulled the buried Zhuo Fan out into the light of day.


With a boom, his dirty body was wrested out of the darkness by Dong Tianba and smacked the ground hard. Zhuo Fan felt something was oddly off here.


Before Zhuo Fan even saw their faces, what greeted him was the cold glinting steel of a 3rd-grade spiritual sword resting on his neck.


Zhuo Fan’s heart was floored, [What did I ever do to you?]


Dong Xiaowan cried, “Brother, what are you doing?”


“Stay out of this!”


Dong Tianba stared Zhuo Fan down, the sword shaking in his hand, “Demon Zhuo Fan, I’ve been waiting to meet you for a long long time. You’re just as they say, so cunning you made complete fools out of us!”


Zhuo Fan smiled, “Here I am, demon Zhuo Fan! I never planned to fool you, but you never left me alone!”


“You dare talk back?” Dong Tianba’s anger spiked, “I’m asking you, where’s my dear brother Song Yu? Why did you take his face in coming to Drifting Flowers City?”


Zhuo Fan finally got to know what this was all about and grinned wickedly, “I’m sure you realized the truth by now.”


“You killed him?” Dong Tianba’s hand trembled and his eyes reddened.


“Of course!”




Grinning, Zhuo Fan’s eyes were cold, and his tone flat, “I am a demon. Since when did I need a reason to kill someone?”


Zhuo Fan’s remorseless eyes in killing Song Yu got Dong Tianba trembling from anger. Roaring, his sword advanced.


“No, brother!” Dong Xiaowan threw herself before Zhuo Fan and said nervously, “Brother, he helped us. We would’ve died if it weren’t for him, and so would our clan. You’re not only picking on the weak, but you’re also biting the hands that feeds you!”


Dong Tianba’s sword stopped. His hands trembled, a reflection of his chaotic heart.


“Who dares harm my darling?” A sudden shout echoed.


A flash of red pushed Dong Xiaowan back and stood before Zhuo Fan – Xiao Dandan of course.


“Dong Tianba, you got some nerve. You dare mess with my man?”


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