The Undead King of the Palace of Darkness

The Undead King of the Palace of Darkness – Chapter 25.5, The Merciless Grim Reaper



Translator: Wisteria

Editor: Silavin


That is what I truly felt. I only just wish to survive.

I do not intend to bother any humans. I do not hold a grudge against them either.


Nevertheless… everyone wants to kill me. My vision was growing dimmer. I looked up at Neville with a desperate look on my face, to which he declared,


“Who would let a monster live?! You may seem harmless now, but you will kill humans someday.”


“Besides we are here on our Master’s orders. Tell me something. How did you know that Senri wasn’t here?”


Asked the female knight as I lay on the brink of death. With a silver arrow pointed at me, she inquired the reason to kill me, almost as if to torment me.


“Do you know how our Master replied to Senri’s plea? He smiled and said, ‘Alright, we’ll let him go’. Because Senri is too stubborn and we would never make any progress in an argument with her. But, Senri could tell that it was a lie. At the very least, she was worried it wouldn’t be true. You see, our Master is standing guard at the inn so that she doesn’t try to leave.”


“Not that it matters. Our Master sent us to find you. And kill you for sure. Well, although we never thought we’d be sent over even before daybreak… but, oh well, this will be a good experience for Senri. She needs to go through ordeals of this sort to become a first-class knight.”


The woman with the bow, the man with the sword, both of them were my enemies with not a bit of weakness to exploit. And I am sure the same goes for the inconspicuous man in the back with the staff.


Just what do they consider… my life to be?


How to make it out here alive?


Senri will come to save me? That is out of the question. Even if she were to arrive, it would be after I had been killed.

And if she were to make an appearance right now, Neville would kill me before she gets in the way.

He showed that kind of resolve, the resolve that he would not mind even if Senri hated him for it.


I did not feel any hunger but my throat felt awfully dry.

A while ago, the man with the sword referred to me as a ‘Lesser Vampire’. If that is true, then what I need right now is… blood.


Far. Simply too far. Even if I stretched my neck, I still would not be able to reach Neville, who was the closest to me. And I am not sure my fangs would be able to pierce through his skin, since he is clad in holy power.


The swordsman carefully approached me and stripped me of my sunshade cloak. Upon finding the shadow amulet I had underneath, he snapped off the chain and clicked his tongue.


“So, this… is the reason we weren’t able to sense any negative energy from you.”


“Horus Carmon’s precious item huh… dammit. If not for this, we wouldn’t have let you pass by when we met in town…”


If not for that, the Lord would not have allowed me to go into town in the first place.


I had already lost my bag somewhere during the struggle with the Lord. After examining the things I had on me, Neville roughly flung me to the ground.

Would they perhaps allow me to live? The impossible hope that had sprouted in me for a moment was crushed to bits by the Death Knight’s words.


“Now, all that’s left is one thing. And that is to kill you…”


Whispered Neville to me, as I lay pitifully curled up on the ground, cradling my hurting self.

The mace was aimed at me. A pair of silver eyes looked down upon me. Neville got close to my face and uttered.


“Apologize. I’ll give you a peaceful death.”


So, this is… a Death Knight. A Grim Reaper. They felt more real and severe than the ones that appeared in stories.

They are my enemy. They are an enemy to anyone who is an enemy of mankind. And I am an enemy of mankind.


I am sure they have families of their own. And people they hold dear to their heart.

And no doubt those people would view them as kind and reliable.


—Even so, I do not wish… to die.


“I-I don’t want… to die, that’s all! I just don’t… wish to die!!!”


I wailed into the darkness. Even if such an act were to bring about a fresh new round of torture, it was a cry from my soul.

Neville and the others did not look furious. They just simply looked at me, curled up like a caterpillar, as if I was something beyond hope.


“… Tch. Are you insane? Too pitiful… Hard to think you’re that Horus Carmon’s underling when you’re not trying to defend yourself even when it’s come to this. Can’t really fault Senri for finding you pitiful and letting you go. She has a soft spot for weaklings.”


“Neville. Be sure to finish him off. Those were the Master’s orders.”


“Goes without saying. I’m not like her!!”


I am going to die. Get killed. There is no one to help me.

So I was killed by a strange disease in my previous life, and when I thought I had finally gained a strong body, I am going to be killed by the Death Knights? Surrounded, unable to defend myself, stamped on by overwhelming power.


Tears rolled down my eyes. Tears of blood. My vision blurring, I looked up at my enemies desperately. My body would not move. And the pain had robbed me of reason.

A weakness. There has to be one. Probe to find one even if you are not sure of its existence. Never stop struggling till the very end. If you die… come back as a ghost.


“What’s with those eyes?!! What’s with that look in your eyes even in this situation?! Fuck!!!


Neville kicked me hard. With every kick, positive energy along with the impact poured into my body.

I was not screaming anymore. I could feel the positive energy pushing my existence towards zero.


Even in these circumstances, Neville’s kicks were not aimless. He seemed used to them.

I lay like a corpse, bones broken, muscles crushed; Neville lifted me up by the hair and forcefully raised my head. A very cruel pair of eyes peered into mine.


“… Fine. As one last act of mercy… I shall allow you a moment to repent.”


“… Neville?! You don’t mean…”


“ To be purified by the Death Knights is… salvation. I shall tell you all about it. What did you say your name was? Well, never mind. Do you know what the most painful death to an undead is?”


My body had no more strength left to even tremble. All I heard was Neville’s ill-boding voice in my head.


Suddenly, I felt a dull shock to my left shoulder. Before I realized it, Neville had thrust into the ground the sword he had held, reached out and raised something into the air.


It… was my left arm. He gripped it tightly and it was purged in an instant. My left arm turned to dust and disappeared.


… Fine. I will let you have that arm. The left arm that I could not even move that well anymore—.


“Sunlight. Weaken the undead to the point that their regenerative powers won’t help and slowly fill up their abyss with positive energy from the sunlight. It has them suffer continuously from unbearable pain. No matter how evil an undead, it would soon start grumbling. We call it the ‘Punishment under the Sun’. Due to its inhuman nature, we only ever use it to set an example though.”


Sunlight. Even with tolerance of sunlight as a ghoul, being exposed to sunlight for too long still felt like pinpricks on the skin.

I wonder how much more damaging it would be to me now.


With a fleeting consciousness, I croaked.


“Aah… how… dreadful!”


“I shall give you time to repent. To regret. Consider it punishment for deceiving Senri and for wanting to live even after death!”


It was anger. He felt angry towards me and he was trying to vent his anger on me. He was trying to punish me more than necessary.

No matter what he uttered, the act felt emotional and more like a personal grudge. And it was the first thing I saw in Neville that I felt was unbecoming of a Death Knight.


But, that is alright. That is just fine. I breathed faintly through my mouth.

I would gladly welcome a slow death.

I can bear with any amount of pain and disgrace. If I can live even a moment longer, if I can acquire a chance to make a getaway, the pain is nothing.


Neville squinted at me, who lay defenseless, as I was desperately holding on to my sanity.


“Don’t tell me, you still think you can survive? Dream on. I shall give you some time but you will not be left alone.”


Neville picked up my dismembered left hand and easily reduced it to dust as I looked on in a daze.


“The only thing we’ll leave behind… is your head. That should be enough to repent, right? Oh, right. We’ll leave your head, near the grave that you supposedly made.”


☠ ☠ ☠


My body would not move. Well naturally, as I had nothing below my head now.


The Death Knights, particularly Neville, mercilessly took me apart. Deliberately without using the silver sword, he ripped off my arms, my legs and mangled up my body and purified it all except for my head.


I have no idea why I am still alive. I have no power. I cannot regenerate either.

Intense pain and numbing coldness that I felt at the back of my head, indicated that I was heading towards death.


The woods at night are certainly peaceful. The Death Knights were long gone.

Maybe this solitude is also part of the punishment. All I could see from where was placed on Roux’s grave, were the ruins of the Lord’s mansion.


There is nothing that can be done. I cannot fight nor run away. All I was left with was pain and despair. Very much the same as it was at the end of my previous life.

Ahh, what a dreadful thought!


As I was desperately trying to stay conscious, I suddenly heard a wispy voice.


“How pitiful… End.”



7 thoughts on “The Undead King of the Palace of Darkness – Chapter 25.5, The Merciless Grim Reaper”

  1. Another cliff…Another week Before the next chapter, or half of one. Ugh, I need more. That Neville is a bit of a sicko though. And is it Horus or Roux at the end. Only those two know him as End. Probably Horus.

  2. Thank you for the chapter!
    “How pitiful… End.” Sounds like what Horus would say, saying something like “surrender yourself to me and i can save you.”

  3. All MCs have a soul that guides them along their journey when they have an OP inheritance ,seeing as how end’s weakness was always ignorance maybe Horus will start teaching him although to be honest the only ability I think matters is the perks of being a king if the undead with your memories of your past life. It has to be special after all if there are good gods I’m sure we all know there will be evil ones. Maybe he’s a reincarnation? But most importantly that extra life power would be nice about now. Maybe he’ll have to drink roux’s blood as a vampire?

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